Research Axes

The ACTOR project is structured into three axes of research exploring Analysis, Technological Tool Development, and Innovative Outputs in several domains.

Analysis Axis

Analyzing orchestration practice from several perspectives and developing new technological tools to assist with these endeavours.

Tool Development Axis

Developing a wide array of computer-based analytic, creative, and pedagogical applications to promote novel knowledge-discovery techniques to serve both research and the dissemination of ACTOR research to music practitioners.

Output Innovation Axis

Injecting what is learned from the other two axes into teaching, scholarship, and creation, as well as to feed back to the research activities through these efforts.


Members with common research interests join specific Workgroups whose topics span the three main research axes (see figure, below). Workgroups meet regularly throughout the year and during the annual ACTOR workshop to get updates on Projects, discuss future plans, collaborate, and assign tasks.


For the archive Sub Axes page, click here.